Bring out
the best
in you
The Human Element
Part 1
Organisational Solutions
What for?
Increasing self-esteem.
Increase and maintain team and/or organisation performance by “working well together.
What is it?
A series of activities that stimulate all our sources of awareness, to get to know ourselves better, to discover the roots of our self-esteem and to strengthen it.
Strengthening our self-esteem allows us to collaborate more fluidly with those with whom we work.
Topics include: How true are we in talking to others? How do our beliefs about choice influence our actions? How do we behave towards others and ourselves? How do we feel about others and ourselves and how does this impact on our behaviour? When and how do we engage in defensive behaviour? How can we boost our self-esteem to become more flexible?
The application of the concepts explored in the Cornerstone to team life.
Topics include: how to create a work climate that fosters collaboration and performance? How to work with others? Discovering the stages of team development. How to start a project? Discovering the original concept of “centrality” and how “working well together” is crucial for performance. How can we talk to each other authentically to address our challenges and collaboration concerns? Discovering the decision process that allows us to decide together.
For whom?
For anyone who wants to know themselves better in order to work better with others
For coaches who would like to add this approach to their tools
For anyone wishing to transfer their knowledge of the Cornerstone to their team
For coaches who would like to add this approach to their tools
4 consecutive days, from 9h00 until 18h00
(do not plan anything else on those days: there are also reflection exercises to do in the evening)
Next dates: contact me
3 consecutive days, from 9h00 until 18h00
Next dates: contact me
In a safety framework built together with the participants, a succession of activities-experiences: visualisations, short theoretical contributions, self-perceptions, questionnaires-diagnoses, exchanges of feedback between participants and body activities-, which aim to increase self-awareness.
Within a security framework built together with the participants, a succession of activities-experiences that invite the participants to work in teams on a given project for the duration of the seminar, and, in so doing, to experiment with the different concepts and processes between them.
To volunteer for an in-depth self-exploration.
To have participated in the Cornerstone.
Part 2
Organisational Solutions
What for?
Increase and maintain team and/or organisation performance by “working well together
What is it?
The application of the concepts explored in the Cornerstone to team life.
Topics include: how to create a work climate that fosters collaboration and performance? How to work with others? Discovering the stages of team development. How to start a project? Discovering the original concept of “centrality” and how “working well together” is crucial for performance. How can we talk to each other authentically to address our challenges and collaboration concerns? Discovering the decision process that allows us to decide together.
For whom?
For anyone wishing to transfer their knowledge of the Cornerstone to their team
For coaches who would like to add this approach to their tools
3 consecutive days, from 9h00 until 18h00
Next dates: contact me
Within a security framework built together with the participants, a succession of activities-experiences that invite the participants to work in teams on a given project for the duration of the seminar, and, in so doing, to experiment with the different concepts and processes between them.
To have participated in the Cornerstone
Implicit Career Search

Radical Collaboration

Implicit Career Search

What for?
Choosing the next step in one’s career (or study) path based on what drives us deeply.
The pathway starts from the premise that we each have a unique contribution to make to the world. In order to make that contribution, we need to know it, and to know it, we need to know ourselves well enough.
Building and maintaining collaborative and sustainable working relationships.
What is it?
The seminar follows the Hero’s Journey process and is divided into 6 steps: decision making, behaviours, self-definition, professional self-definition, career development plan, career planning.
An exploration of the 5 ingredients of sustainable collaborative relationships: intention to collaborate or commitment to mutual success, openness to the other or creating a climate where everyone feels safe to express themselves honestly, self-determination or taking responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences, self-awareness necessary to understand one’s own mechanisms and those of others, and Interest-Based Conflict Resolution.
For whom?
For those who are in professional transition, looking for a new meaningful step, for those who want to give a boost to what they are already doing, for those who are looking for a new direction in their studies, and for coaches who wish to add the approach to their coaching tools
For those who want to experience more collaborative relationships with their colleagues, for managers who want to initiate more collaboration in their teams and between their teams, and for coaches who wish to add the approach to their coaching tools
3 consecutive days, from 9h00 until 18h00
(do not plan anything else on those days: there are also reflection exercises to do in the evening)
+ 1 follow-up day, 6 weeks later Next dates: contact me
3 consecutive days, from 9h00 until 18h00
Next dates: contact me
A personal and experiential journey within a group, in a climate of safety built together with the participants, whose first 3 steps are derived from The Human Element approach.
A succession of activities that mobilise our brain which thinks and reasons, our feelings which underlie our behaviour, and our body which acts.
The first 4 ingredients mentioned above come from The Human Element approach, the last one comes from Interest Based Problem Solving.
Volunteering for self-exploration.
Volunteering for self-exploration.
Radical Collaboration

What for?
Building and maintaining collaborative and sustainable working relationships.
What is it?
An exploration of the 5 ingredients of sustainable collaborative relationships: intention to collaborate or commitment to mutual success, openness to the other or creating a climate where everyone feels safe to express themselves honestly, self-determination or taking responsibility for one’s actions and their consequences, self-awareness necessary to understand one’s own mechanisms and those of others, and Interest-Based Conflict Resolution.
For whom?
For those who want to experience more collaborative relationships with their colleagues, for managers who want to initiate more collaboration in their teams and between their teams, and for coaches who wish to add the approach to their coaching tools
3 consecutive days, from 9h00 until 18h00
Next dates: contact me
The first 4 ingredients mentioned above come from The Human Element approach, the last one comes from Interest Based Problem Solving.
Volunteering for self-exploration.
+32 (0) 472 42 69 32